
Clark Sisters – Prayers Of The Righteous Lyrics


Prayers Of The Righteous Lyrics

I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken
Nor a seed begging fr bread
Righteous exalts the nation
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly
Nor seath in the seat of scornful
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water
And he shall bring forth fruit in his season
Whatsoever he do shall prosper

No no no [3x]
Good thing will he with hold from the upright prayers of the righteous
Availeth much [4x] availeth much [2x]
[Chorus and bridge]

The prayers of the righteous
The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous [4x]
Intercession [6x]
Depression [6x]

Availeth [2x] much
Availeth [2x] much

Clark Sisters – Prayers Of The Righteous Lyrics

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