LITTLE DRAGON Don’t Cry Lyrics [Verse 1] Even if I never told the truth When I said I always knew Even when I felt confused
CUNNINLYNGUISTS Cocaine [Deluxe Edition] Lyrics (parts of the lines that I couldn’t get are ended in ellipses […]) Nearly everyone in Washington D.C. carries around
PHISH In A Misty Glade Lyrics While lying in a misty glade, The stars about begin to fade, Before approaching dawn I watch the tide
INFECTIOUS GROOVES Turtle Wax (funkaholics Anonymous) + Lyrics -Trujillo-Muir- (3:30) My my my, your truth is a lie And you help cover it up and
JOSH WOODWARD Mona Lisa Lyrics Mona, you have done it now, you’ve gone and shown exactly how You never knew the process just to keep
GEORGE Hurting Child Lyrics In the middle of the night, No one heard the boy Who cried himself to sleep Didn’t care about himself cuz
GRACE JONES All On A Summers Night Lyrics We were dancin barefoot on the moonlit sand, We were makin music we don’t need a band,
BROOKLYN TABERNACLE CHOIR Hallelujah You’re Worthy Lyrics Hallelujah your worthy to be praised!(repeat 8x) I lift my hands i praise you lord, I bow my
BEVERLY CRAWFORD Joy To The World Lyrics Joy to the world, the Lord is come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him
RICARDO ANDRADE Elemento Lyrics Oh, si das un chance a mi corazón De compartir contigo de esta emoción Y asi crezcan flores de nuestro amor