Inquisition – Hotel X (idle Kids Part. 2) Lyrics
Hotel X (idle Kids Part. 2) Lyrics
It’s a lonely place
I think I’ll fall
Asleep in the cemetery
Next door
Dead president’s they
Live down the block
And there’s dead things on
Dead things on the floor
I think I’ll fall
Asleep in the cemetery
Next door
Dead president’s they
Live down the block
And there’s dead things on
Dead things on the floor
Here I sit
On the porch
Watch the souls wander
And catch a glimpse
Catch a glimpse of you
It’s a hotel called X
In a muse up the stairs
Keep the punks in the basement
Cause the music still blares
Hotel called X
Muse up the stairs
Keep the punks in the basement
Cause the music still blares
Inquisition – Hotel X (idle Kids Part. 2) Lyrics