Tim Minchin – If I Didn't Have You Lyrics
If I Didn’t Have You Lyrics
If I didn’t have you
If I didn’t have you to hold me tight
(If I didn’t have you)
If I didn’t have you to lie with at night
(When I’m feeling blue)
If I didn’t have you to share my sights
(Share my sights)
And to kiss me and dry my tears when I cry…
Well I, really think that I would…
Have somebody else.
(If I didn’t have you)
If I didn’t have you, someone else would do
Your love is one in a million
(One in a million)
You couldnt buy it at any price
(Can’t buy love)
But of the 9.999 hundred thousand other possible loves,
Statistically some of them would be equally nice.
(Equally nice)
Or maybe not as nice but say, smarter than you…
Or dumber but better at sport or…
I’m just saying I
(I really think that I would)
(Have somebody else)
(If I didn’t have you)
If I didn’t have you, someone else would do
(Someone else would surely do)
If I were a rich man
Diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddly
I guess I would be with a surgeon or a model
Or any of the royals or a kennedy
Or a nymphomonical exhibitionist heiress to a large
chain of hotels
If I were a rich man maybe I would fiddle
Fiddle diddle diddle with the rich man girls
I’m not saying that I’d not love you if I was wealthy
or handsome
But realistically there’s lots of fish in the sea
And if I had a different rod I would concievably land
Even though I am fiscally consistantly pitiable
And considerably less Brad Pitt than Brad Pitiful
Am I really so poor and ugly that you think only you
could possibly love me?
And I
(Really think that I would)
(Have somebody else)
(If I didn’t have you)
If I didn’t have you, somone else would do
(Someone else would surely do)
And look I’m not undervaluing what we’ve got when I say
That given the role chaos inevitably plays in the
inherently flawed notion of fate,
It’s obstruse to deduse I’ve found my soulmate at the
age of 17
It’s just mathematically unlikely that at a university
in perth
I happened to stumble on the one girl on earth
specifically designed for me
And if I may conjecture a further objection love is
nothing to do with destined perfection
The connection is strengthened the affection simply
grows over time
Like a flower
Or a mushroom
Or a guinea pig
Or a vine
Or a sponge
Or bigotry
… or a banana
And love is made more powerful by the ongoing drama of
shared experience and synergy
Of a kinda symbiotic empathy or something…
So I trust it goes without saying
That I would feel really very sad, if tomorrow you were
to fall off something high
Or catch something bad
But I’m just saying
I don’t think you’re special
I mean, I mean… I think you’re special
You fall within a bell curve
I mean, I’m just saying I
(Really think that I would)
(Have somebody else)
I think you are unique and beautiful
(Unique and beautiful)
You make me happy just by being around
(Just being around)
But objectively you would have to agree that baby when
I found you
Options were relatively thin on the ground
(Thin on the ground)
Your lovely but there must be girls as lovely as you
And maybe more open to spanking or… f*cking table
I’m just saying I
(Realy think that I would)
(Have somebody else)
I mean I reckon it’s pretty likely that if for example
My first girlfriend Jackie hadn’t dumped me
After I kissed Winston’s ex girlfriend Neah back at
Steph’s party back in 1993
And our variables would probably have been altered by
the absence of that event
To have meant the advent of a tangential narrative in
which we don’t meet.
Which is to say there exists a theoretical hypothetical
parallel life
Where what is is not as it is and I am not your husband
and you are not my wife
And I am a stuntman living in LA
Married to a small blonde portugese skier
Who when she’s not training
Does abstract painting
Practises yoga
And brews her own beer
And really likes making home movies
And suffers neck down alopecia
But with all my heart and all my mind I know one thing
is true
I have just one life and just one love and my love that
love is you
And if it wasn’t for you
(I really think that I would)
(Have somebody else)
(If I didn’t have you)
If I didn’t have you, Ado do doo, someone else would
(Someone else would surely)
Do oo oo oo oo.
Tim Minchin – If I Didn't Have You Lyrics