
Vic Mignogna – Shissou (English) Lyrics


I run and run a thousand miles
and I am barely breathing
Only the fuel of a passion heart
Keeps this body strong and moving forward


But, could it be I found a place to rest
How far until I’m ok?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come
Once again to shift our shade and colors

The world always changes around us but weakness will
always remain
Through all the pain,
Believe in, who we are right here and now

Raise one hand to the sky!
Raise them both!
Lift them high!
And you’ll cut through the darkness,
Make it go!

The time to start is now!
And I can show you how!
Start with me and the world will be even bigger than
ever before

The road that’s gonna take me home tonight
Is just the same as always
Led by the brink up all along the way
Of the flicker from the street lamps fading

The town’s falling down all around me

Yields to a breeze I felt before
And now I’m sure its blowing at my back and guiding me

In my heart will be where, I will lead this despair
‘til the tears all dry up and finally stop
No goal has been found!
But we’re not turning around!
I’m tearing through that the wind I knew,
Running and not slowing down!

Those bitter days are calling
For you and me to love
Do you not want to open
The forbidden box that holds our dreams!

You can choose to go first, you can choose to go last.
Just as long as you move, you’ll be okay!
And rest up as you go!
And you can bet I know!

But where and how that is learnt ‘til now,
is leading each step of the way!

Raise one hand to the sky! Raise them both! Lift them
And you’ll cut through the darkness-make it go!


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